Friday, April 30, 2010

Effects of Too Much Internet

In the article, "Internet Use and Its Relationship to Loneliness" Eric Moody focuses on the idea that the use of internet can have a negative affect on people and their personalities. He researched studies that indicated Computer-mediated communication is impersonal and has a few channels of communication compared to Face-to-face communication.This study focuses on the impact too much internet use can have on a person. Although there are studies that show the internet can enhance communication, I agree with Moody when he states that it can inhibit communication. In the article Moody states that internet use is helpful to those who are shy and isolated. In "A New Way of Looking" Ellie Burkett says that with the use of handheld computers shy students are likely to break out of there shell. I don't think thats all the way true. Yes, the computers would help them witih their homework, but what about when they need to speak to someone in person. Without that face-to-face communiction people aren't able to experience that social support.

There are two different types of loneliness: Social and Emotional. Social loneliness is the feeling of boredom due to the lack of meaningful friendships and the sense of belonging to a certain group. Emotional loneliness is the "feeling of emptiness and restlessness due to the lack of intimate relationships." People usually tend to feel emotionally lonely when they spend majority of their time on the internet. Burkett states that the internet can help students in the classroom and in Moody's article he says that it will help shy people speak when that normally wouldn't want to. But what Burkett fails to mention is that too much internet use could result in psychologial difficulties such as loneliness and depression. The more time people spend on the internet that time is replacing the time that could be spent with their families. Below is a picture that shows the statistics of how many people spend on the internet from 1995 til 2008.

When people use the internet as a sole means of communication they aren't getting that face to face interaction. Some people might feel that the internet is all they need to communicate but in doing so they aren't really experiencing true communication. However Moody states in the articel that "social loneliness suggests that the internet can be used to foster one's connection with the social world around him or her through discussion groups." Burkett also claims that using the "i-guide" and technology to learn is beneficial to shy students. Technology is no use to them once they are stuck to speaking in front of people. The internet lacks the social interaction people need to have and need to be accoustomed to in every day american life. People spend too much time on the internet using chat rooms and discussions groups that they don't see the importance in actual face to face social interaction. You aren't able to get the full appreciation or thoughtful meaning of someone by looking at what they say. You get all the meaning from being able to see them while they are talking. I can understand why shy people or those who have a hard time speaking to others would need the internet, but in doing so effects their pscyhcological well-beings. They feel left out of the world, but spending more and more time on the internet isn't going to help them. Moody states that individuals with high levels of internet use are more likely to experience social loneliness because they spend more time on the internet and because of that they lack the strong intimate relationships.

Above is a video of a presentation about computer-mediated communication. It brings new points to the fact that technology doesn't help the human mind. They lack the emotional support of others and that isnt healthy for a person to go through. Studies show that CMC communication is not all the way impersonal but it still has serious side effects. In the article it states that "social loneliness suggests that the interent can be used to foster one's connection with the social world around him or her through discussion groups". I agree with this statement because the people might find this as a substitute to FtF communication. However, I still think its unhealthy for people to base their communication and happiness from the internet because I don't feel you can get the same connection.

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